Throughout her carreer Gabriella Crespi has experimented with the most diverse range of materials, from metals to stone, from plexiglas and glass to bamboo. A versatility handled in her own way, setting cold, reflective surfaces of metal alongside the warm and snug textures of rattan and acheiving results of equal preciousness.

In this special thematic artwork, Gabriella Crespi treats nature symbolically, and the sun, figurative and emblematic focus of  this theme, becomes a totem. A whole collection made of bamboo, a material much loved by Crespi, that unites strength and flexibility. Among this collection are the famous “Fungo” mushroom-shaped lamps (1973).

Fan shapes made of bamboo stems irradiating from a central golden sun, also  decorate chairs, trays, a beautiful cradle, wide screens and a large elliptical dining table, designed along the same lines as the “Puzzle Table” and thus infinitely extendible.